Auto Accidents

Auto Accident Lawyer in Pennsylvania

Car accidents can change your life in an instant. Trying to take care of everything after a wreck is exhausting, and if you’re dealing with a severe injury, it can be nearly impossible to do it all yourself. After getting medical care, there may be car rentals, repairs, calls to insurance companies, time missed from work, and the lasting emotional effects of a traumatic event; Attorney Kelly Adams can help.

Sadly, insurance companies are not likely to offer the maximum compensation you are entitled to without an attorney’s intervention. Hiring a lawyer can significantly improve your chances of recovering the full amount you’re entitled to.

Attorney Adams will fight for the maximum compensation possible after a car accident. She can also deal with the stress of collecting medical records, completing insurance forms, making phone calls, and negotiating with the insurance company. If it becomes necessary, she can file a personal injury lawsuit. These tasks are generally the last thing a person who has been in a severe car accident wants to deal with.

Pennsylvania’s No-Fault Insurance

Pennsylvania drivers are given two choices when buying car insurance: limited tort and full tort. Many people choose limited tort because it is less expensive, but most auto accident attorneys recommend paying for full tort. Limited tort coverage may prevent you from being fully compensated after a car accident.

Limited Tort Insurance

Limited tort insurance works under a “no-fault” system. This means that no matter who is at fault for the car accident, you will file a claim with your own insurance provider. Your insurance will pay for your medical bills and lost wages up to your policy’s limit. Limited tort coverage will not provide compensation for pain and suffering and does not always allow you to seek compensation from the other driver, even if they were entirely at fault.

Full Tort Insurance

This type of coverage does not follow the no-fault system. If you are involved in an auto accident, and the other driver was at fault, you can file a lawsuit against them to receive compensation. This compensation includes medical bills, lost wages, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering. The amount you can recover is not restricted to an amount based on policy limits and allows victims of accidents and injuries to recover total compensation for their losses.

Exceptions to Limited Tort Insurance Restrictions

If your insurance is a limited tort policy, you can still recover compensation from the at-fault party if any of the following exceptions apply to your accident:

  • Your accident was caused by a driver who was drunk or under the influence
  • The at-fault vehicle was not registered in Pennsylvania
  • The at-fault driver intended to injure himself or another person
  • The accident caused you to become disfigured or disabled
  • You were a pedestrian who was struck by a car
  • You were a passenger in a commercial vehicle, like a bus or taxi
  • You were on a motorcycle
  • Your insurance company did not give you proper notice of your options for full or limited tort insurance.

No matter which type of policy you have, Attorney Adams can ensure you are compensated to the fullest extent possible. She will thoroughly review your case, check for exceptions, and take the time to understand the impact and lasting effects of the accident. Her goal is to fight for maximum recovery in every case.

Deadlines After an Auto Accident

After a car accident, parties only have a limited time to file a lawsuit. It is not always apparent if a lawsuit will be necessary, so it is critical to have an experienced auto accident lawyer review the case as soon as possible. Most of the time, injured parties have two years to file a lawsuit from the day of the accident. Exceptions can apply if the injury was not discovered on the same day as the accident or if the injured party was a minor.

Get Help With Your Auto Accident

The days following a car crash are difficult. It is understandable that getting medical care and addressing the immediate problems of missing work and missing a vehicle take priority over calling insurance companies or considering who is legally responsible for the accident.

Victims of car accidents recover more when they work with a lawyer. Having legal representation who can deal with the insurance claim and a lawsuit, if necessary, can relieve some of the stress you’re dealing with. Contact an experienced auto accident lawyer like Kelly Adams by calling (610) 222-6122 to get the full compensation you deserve.

Contact Us
Attorney Kelly Adams is dedicated to fighting for her clients. If you need help, call us at (610) 222-6122 or fill out the form below to request a consultation.